Space. Transparency. Collaboration. What does your office layout say about your company, and is this message clear to your employees? How your workplace is structured could be a vital key in your business strategy.
Smart companies understand that workspaces are a business tool. An office environment reflects and reinforces a business’s core values, through the placement of different teams and functions and design elements that reflect culture, brand, and values. Designing, equipping and furnishing your workspace is a major capital investment, but its effect on productivity, employee satisfaction, engagement, talent recruitment and brand impact can add up to a higher cost if not adequately addressed.
Owning the space you operate your business from gives you the added advantage of myriad ways to design and plan your space, but it needs to be approached in a strategic way. “Imitating the latest fads start-ups are adopting won’t necessarily get you the results your company desires; asking the right questions — and, above all, listening to employees’ answers — will,”